Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

146 22 Prior to placing PAF material within the Northern Rock Stack, the Consent Holder shall provide the Waikato Regional Council with 12 months’ baseline monitoring data sufficient to characterise the groundwater regime in the Northern Rock Stack catchment. 23 The Consent Holder shall undertake “scan monitoring” in both shallow and deep aquifer systems, of water levels, pH, and conductivity to establish trends in the monitoring bores installed in accordance with Condition 21. Scan monitoring shall commence 12 months prior to placing PAF material within the Northern Rock Stack and continue throughout the term of these consents. The results of that monitoring shall be forwarded to Waikato Regional Council at quarterly intervals. 24 The Consent Holder shall set trigger levels for pH, conductivity and water levels for down gradient bores based on the trends observed in the monitoring data at levels which will provide an early warning indication of potential changes of groundwater quality as a result of the activities authorised by this consent. 25 At any time following completion of baseline monitoring, if monitoring results within the monitoring bores differs from the relevant trigger level for that bore over two consecutive readings then the Consent Holder shall: a. Characterise and assess the source of the change; and b. Take all necessary measures to ensure that General Condition G33 is complied with. The trend and actions taken shall be detailed in the annual report to the Waikato Regional Council. NRS Monitoring and Management Plan 26 At least one month prior to the exercise of this consent the Consent Holder must submit to the Waikato Regional Council a NRS Monitoring and Management Plan for certification that it: a. Includes performance measures, triggers, actions, methods and monitoring programmes designed to achieve the objective in Condition 27; and b. As a minimum meets the information requirements in and gives effect to the matters set out in Condition 28. The Consent Holder may comply with Conditions 26 - 29 by incorporating the NRS Monitoring and Management Plan into an overarching monitoring and management plan which covers the Consent Holders various rock and tailings storage facilities.