Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

98 16 All construction works shall be implemented under the supervision of persons with appropriate and documented experience in the supervision of civil engineering construction works. 17 On completion of the construction works, and prior to the first discharge of tailings into the impoundment, the Consent Holder shall supply to the Waikato Regional Council and Peer Review Panel: a. A full set of as-built plans; and b. Written confirmation stating that the works have been constructed in accordance with the design referred to in Condition 14. Thereafter, the facility shall be inspected by a registered engineer on an annual basis, and a written report on the inspection provided to the Peer Review Panel and copied to Waikato Regional Council within one month of completion of the inspection. 18 The Consent Holder shall be responsible for the structural integrity and maintenance of the works associated with the exercise of these consents and for any erosion control and energy dissipation works which become necessary as a consequence of the exercise of these consents. Monitoring 19 At quarterly intervals until mine closure, the Consent Holder shall measure and record the volume of storage provided by the available freeboard. This information shall be made available to Waikato Regional Council on request. 20 At monthly intervals the Consent Holder shall collect a sample of tailings being discharged to the tailings pond and shall determine its acid neutralising capacity (ANC), maximum potential acidity (MPA), and net acid generation (NAG) capacity. The date the sample is collected and the ANC, MPA and NAG results shall be reported to the Waikato Regional Council annually. 21 The Consent Holder shall install groundwater quality monitoring bores to detect any seepage bypassing the underdrainage system, and to determine the representative groundwater quality for shallow and deeper groundwater around the perimeter of land owned by the Consent Holder. Advice Note: All groundwater monitoring in these bores shall be based on the soluble test method, defined as the concentration of dissolved metals measured in that fraction which passes through a 0.45 µm filter. 22 Prior to placing PAF material within GOPTSF, the Consent Holder shall provide the Waikato Regional Council with 12 months baseline monitoring data sufficient to characterise the groundwater regime in the GOPTSF catchment.