Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

78 the specified vertical distance is maintained during the wettest months of the year immediately following a typical short duration rainfall event (e.g. a 6-month return period event). 8 There shall be no breakout (uncontrolled discharge) of wastewater onto the ground surface from any part of the new wastewater treatment system or the disposal area that results in visible ponding of the wastewater on the ground surface and/or an overland discharge of wastewater. 9 Surface water and stormwater runoff shall be directed away from the wastewater treatment and disposal area 10 The wastewater treatment system shall be maintained in a watertight condition to prevent the ingress of stormwater or groundwater into the system. 11 The Consent Holder shall plant and maintain the disposal area with appropriate high evapotranspiration plant species or grass. The Consent Holder shall clearly signpost the treatment plant and wastewater disposal area 12 The Consent Holder shall ensure that the wastewater treatment and disposal system is properly operated and maintained at all times 13 Within one month of commissioning the new wastewater treatment system, the Consent Holder shall provide the Waikato Regional Council with a copy of the As-Built Plans for the system. The Consent Holder shall state in writing the date the system was commissioned. 14 The Consent Holder shall maintain a record of all maintenance and desludging undertaken on the wastewater treatment and disposal system. These records shall be available to the Waikato Regional Council yearly by 30 June.