Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

68 6 Fish passage for climbing fish species in accordance with the New Zealand Fish Passage Guidelines for structures up to 4 metres (2018) must be provided through Culvert SW-C2A shown in the drawing annexed as Attachment 1 to this consent. 7 The Consent Holder shall ensure that the area of disturbance during placement/construction of the culverts is kept to a minimum. 8 Within 20 working days following completion of each culvert, the Consent Holder shall provide the Waikato Regional Council with asbuilt plans of the completed works. Monitoring and Maintenance 9 Following the completion of construction, fish passage upstream and downstream through any culvert listed in Condition 6 must be monitored and maintained in a manner that meets the monitoring and maintenance requirements of Regulation 69 of the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations 2020 (NESF).