B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 77 measures, which have been incorporated into the proposed conditions of consent for this area: Ensure shaft raises and associated temporary activities are not highly visible from within the CFP or from the Wharekirauponga Walk; Minimise native vegetation clearance within the CFP, ensuring any vegetation removal is clearly identified prior to occurring to avoid accidental vegetation loss; and Sensitive design of temporary buildings and structures including neutral colours which relate to their natural setting. 5.6 GEOTECHNICAL MATTERS An assessment of geotechnical matters in relation to the tunneling and underground mining components of the WNP is provided in WSP (2022b), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. Ground conditions influence underground mining methods, the means of access, and the design of stopes and access tunnels. Factors that influence ground conditions are discussed in WSP (2022b) and include the qualities of the various rock types. OGNZL has utilised a combination of these methods to effectively manage spoil at its Waihi operations to date. It is proposed that management of rock sourced from the Dual Tunnels and underground mine will employ similar methods. Consistent with mining industry practice at this stage of development, existing information collected from exploration drilling has been used to develop a preliminary, conceptual approach to the proposed underground mining. This preliminary conceptual approach will be refined and adapted as mining proceeds, and as a more detailed understanding of ground conditions is developed. Based on the geotechnical investigations that have been undertaken (as described in WSP (2022b)), and the recommendations set out below, it is considered by OGNZL and its advisors, that the underground mine, and its associated components, can be established in a manner that will not compromise underground or surface stability. 5.7 GEOCHEMISTRY AND ACID ROCK DRAINAGE An assessment of geochemistry and potential for acid rock drainage in relation to the tunneling and underground mining components of the WNP is provided in GHD (2022), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. Analysis of the acid-generating potential of the WUG material suggests that like the material currently managed at Waihi, the WUG spoil has low acid neutralising capacity (“ANC”) values and may result in acid generation and leaching of trace elements unless appropriate control measures are implemented.