B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 76 5.5 LANDSCAPE, VISUAL AMENITY AND NATURAL CHARACTER EFFECTS An assessment of the potential effects of the WNP on the visual amenity, landscape, and natural character values of the surrounding environment is provided in Boffa Miskell (2022), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. A summary of the key findings of the Boffa Miskell assessment is provided below. With respect to visual effects the key conclusions of Boffa Miskell (2022) are: As an underground mine, there will be no potential views of underground tunnelling and associated below ground mining activity within the CFP. The combination of topography and landcover in this area of the CFP also ensure the proposed vent raises will not be seen from beyond their immediate context; Once operational, there is potential that water vapour plumes from a proposed ventilation shaft within the CFP could occur under certain climatic conditions. However, given the limited visibility, considerable viewing distances and transient nature of views, any potential broader visual effects associated with such plumes are assessed as being very low; and The very localised changes associated with the ventilation shafts will remain well concealed in the context of the CFP and primarily avoid any potential for visual effects. With respect to effects on landscape, whilst the activity is located beneath the CFP, which is recognised as an outstanding natural landscape, with the exception of up to four isolated vent raises located on legal road reserve passing through the CFP, there will be no changes to this landscape. The sensitive siting of these elements within the extensive homogenous forest cover combined with their comparably diminutive scale, will ensure the inherent characteristics and values of this outstanding natural landscape will remain. The potential for natural character effects within the CFP have principally been avoided through the nature of underground mining with no direct or physical modification proposed along existing waterbodies or their margins within this context. The only potential change in existing surface water flows is the likely loss of a single warm spring with low ecological value. Any potential natural character effects associated with the loss of this single warm spring are assessed as very low. The activity is proposed to be managed such that it causes no measurable changes in the natural flows or water quality in any other surface water body or their margins which contribute to the natural characteristics or qualities of the surrounding CFP. Overall Boffa Miskell (2022) consider the landscape, visual and natural character ef fects of the activities in Area 1 to be acceptable. However, to further reduce the potential for visual effects associated with these activities, Boffa Miskell (2022) recommend the following