Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-7 – Area 7 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 46 low noise generating activities can be undertaken on Sundays and between 2200 and 0700 on Monday to Saturday. Once constructed, tailings disposal and maintenance activities at TSF3 will occur 24 hours per day, seven days per week. 3.6 EARTHMOVING EQUIPMENT The construction of TSF3 will require a range of earthmoving equipment during its operating life. This includes: Excavators. Graders. Compactors. Service vehicles. Bulldozers. Light vehicles. Front end loaders. Water truck. Trucks. The number of units will vary over the life of the activity. Various smaller equipment will also be used intermittently such as small excavators, articulated dump trucks, tyre handlers, yard cranes and forklifts. 3.7 LIGHTING Permanent lighting is not expected to be required at TSF3. Some localised lighting may be required on occasion. Mobile lighting plant will be operated in accordance with OGNZL’s Standard Operating Procedure for Towing and Setting up Lighting Plants. This procedure includes a note to “Do not shine towards a public road or buildings”. Any lighting will be designed, located and directed so that the level of artificial lighting measured at the boundary of any privately owned property (or property not subject to an agreement with OGNZL) is no greater than 8.0 Lux.5 5 Note this is consistent with the lighting requirements at OGNZL’s existing mining operations. Refer to Section 2 of the AEE for a description of the existing mining activities.