B-7 – Area 7 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 45 The final position of the toe of the TSF3 embankment will be subject to geotechnical investigation to determine the extent and depth of low strength soils. The project requires the TSF3 to be constructed to 155 m RL, but the surplus materials availability means that the embankment will be constructed well ahead of the tailings level. 3.4 CLOSURE AND REHABILITATION The Closure Plan for TSF3 includes: A partial dry capping of the perimeter of the impoundment as has been done at TSF2; A wet capping of the tailings in the centre of the impoundment not covered by the dry capping; Redirection of the Western and Central section of the uphill diversion drain into the impoundment; and Spillway to discharge clean water from the impoundment to the Ruahorehore Stream. These items in concept are shown in Figure 29. Figure 29: TSF3 RL 155 Closure Layout (EGL (2022c)). 3.5 HOURS OF WORK Activities may occur within Area 7 on a 24 hour / seven day per week basis subject to meeting specified noise limits. Those noise limits are likely to mean only a limited suite of