Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-7 – Area 7 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 38 necessary. It is likely that this material can be used for the rehabilitation layers or clay liners with the appropriate mixing and conditioning. Any material from the footprint of the foundations that is not utilised for rehabilitation purposes will be recontoured into the surrounding landform within the site and grassed. 3.2.3 Servicing Electricity to the leachate and underdrainage pumping systems (refer below to the discussion regarding TSF3 subsurface drains) will be extended from existing infrastructure at the toe of TSF1A. The existing tailings delivery lines, water return pipes and electricity for the decant return pumps will be extended along the northern boundary of TSF1A and TSF3. This will require installation of High Density Poly Ethylene (“HDPE”) piping in a pipe trench (similar to the existing) along the existing access roads for TSF1A and Eastern Stockpile. The existing overhead powerline to TSF1A will be extended to service TSF3 by installing new power poles and powerline along the new access road to TSF3. 3.2.4 Vegetation Clearance in a Significant Natural Area The footprint of works required for TSF3 encroaches on 8.3 ha of the southern fragment of SNA T13UP166. Establishing TSF3 and the associated uphill diversion drains will require all vegetation within the encroachment to be cleared (see Figure 25 below). The vegetation will be stripped, mulched on-site, and stockpiled in the smaller of the TSF3 stockpiles. Measures proposed to mitigate and offset for the removal of SNA are discussed further in Section 6 of this AEE.