B-7 – Area 7 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 27 Figure 18: Localised view of waterbodies within Area 7 (GHD 2022b). 2.15 AQUATIC ECOLOGY A description of the aquatic ecology values in proximity to Area 7 is provided in Section 10 of Boffa Miskell (2022a), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. The headwaters of the sub-catchment within which TSF3 would be located (see site ‘RUA Forest’ on Figure 19) is located within a regenerating forest area, upstream of other survey sites. Boffa Miskell (2022a) identifies the ecological values in this area as very high. The stream channel is predominantly comprised of large boulders, with a mixture of pools, runs, cascades and waterfalls present. No macrophyte species were present at this site and bank erosion was absent. Vegetation within the riparian zone is dense with black tree fern (Cyathea medullaris) the dominant species, with some remnant mature pine trees present. Freshwater crayfish, longfin eel and a shortfin eel are all present in this area. A waterfall located between site RUA upper and site RUA forest (see Figure 19) represents a significant barrier to fish passage of swimming species to these headwaters.