Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-7 – Area 7 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 23 Figure 13: Regional geological setting in which Area 7 sits (GHD, 2022b). This site is located within a surficial alluvial gully (defined as ‘the paleo-gully’) dipping to the southwest, and surrounded by rhyolite ridges of the Ruahorehore Rhyolite (unit mnr). Both the paleo-gully and rhyolite ridges form significant features at the proposed TSF3 site (refer Figure 14). The TSF3 paleo-gully appears to be infilled with remnants of a complex mixture of rhyolite tuffs, pyroclastic flows and gaseous lava flows. Figure 14: Northeast-southwest cross section of paleo-gully beneath the TSF3 site (GHD, 2022b).