B-7 – Area 7 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 19 OGNZL purchased the land containing Area 7 for use as a TSF in 2019 after obtaining approval under the Overseas Investment Act. That approval is subject to a number of conditions. 2.7 LANDSCAPE CONTEXT The landscape values attributed to Area 7 are described in Boffa Miskell (2022), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. Boffa Miskell (2022) identifies that Area 7 (and the adjacent TSF1A and TSF2) sit in an area of transition between the Coromandel Range foothills and a larger productive rural floodplain to the south-east. It identifies the site of the TSFs as being integrated into an elevated, vegetated backdrop in a local landscape that presents a productive rural character serviced by dispersed farm buildings and dwellings. Views along roads in this area are primarily rural and encompass a mix of open and enclosed paddocks observed though and between roadside shelterbelts. Figure 10: View towards Area 7 from Trig Road North (Boffa Miskell (2022)). Southerly and easterly views to the site (i.e. views from land to the north and west of Area 7) are precluded by the ridgeline to the north and TSF1A to the west. Views north and north-east to the site from Trig Road North, Trig Road South, Waihi Beach Road, and State Highway 2 (“SH2”) are characterised by the rural setting with flat pasture in the foreground, rising to low hills screened by mature vegetation (shelterbelts) and the elevated, vegetated ridge on the skyline. The Boffa Miskell report identifies those dwellings at localised high points on Trig Road South and Waihi Beach Road may have views of the existing TSFs and TSF3 site below the adjoining larger, vegetated ridge. 2.8 ROAD TRANSPORT NETWORK The transport environment in which Area 7 sits is described in Stantec (2022), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. TSF3 is accessed from SH2 via Baxter Road and internal haul roads. Baxter Road is gated to prevent unauthorised access to OGNZL’s land.