B-7 – Area 7 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 14 Resource Consent Expiry Date AUTH 971302 To divert an unnamed tributary (Unnamed Stream 3) of the Ruahorehore Stream around the eastern end of the stockpile (eastern diversion drain) 13/10/2034 Silt and Collection Pond discharges AUTH 971311 To discharge settled stormwater from the silt ponds into the Ohinemuri River and the Ruahorehore Stream 13/10/2034 AUTH 971312 To discharge water from the collection ponds within Area D, to the Ohinemuri River and to the Ruahorehore Stream 13/10/2034 Stockpiles AUTH 971295 To place ore, waste rock, topsoil and other material in stockpiles 13/10/2034 TSF1A W1750 To dam unnamed water courses within the designated area for Storage 1 in order to construct an impoundment structure for the containment of tailings from mining operations 1/10/2026 AUTH 971303.01.10 To place waste rock and other material onto the ground to establish Storage 1A 13/10/2034 AUTH 971304 To discharge tailings into Storage 1A 13/10/2034 AUTH 971305 To discharge seepage from Storage 1A into the ground 13/10/2034 AUTH 971306.01.10 To divert groundwater from within the footprint of Storage 1A into subsoil drains 13/10/2034