B-7 – Area 7 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 10 The use of land for various mining operations in and around the area occupied by TSF1A and the Eastern Stockpile is currently authorised by: Rule of the HDP where that activity is undertaken in accordance with the conditions of, and within the area covered by expired Mining Licence (“ML”) 32 2388, including but not limited to: o The establishment and operation of TSF1A up to a height of 177.25 m RL; o The use of the Eastern Stockpile; o The establishment and use of various haul roads, perimeter roads, topsoil stockpiles, diversion drains and collection ponds; and o Rehabilitation. Rule of the HDP where that activity is undertaken in accordance with the conditions of, and within the area covered by expired Land Use Consent (“LUC”) 97/98 – 105, including: o Mining operations and associated earthworks; o Stockpiling of waste rock; o Construction and use of haul roads; o Miscellaneous drainage works; and o Rehabilitation. LUSE 202.2021.00001466.01 which authorises the establishment and operation of TSF1A up to a height of 182 m RL. An overview of the areas which are subject to Rule and Rule (P2) is provided in Figure 6, below. The area covered by LUSE 202.2021.00001466.01 is shown in Figure 7.