B-7 – Area 7 - Assessment of Environmental Effects 5.10 Roading and Traffic Effects 69 5.11 Lighting Effects 73 5.12 Historic Heritage Effects 73 5.13 Effects on Public Access and Recreation 74 5.14 Conclusion 74 6. Management and Monitoring of Effects____________________________________ 76 7. Statutory Assessment _________________________________________________ 87 7.1 Introduction 87 7.2 Actual and Potential Effects 88 7.3 National Environmental Standards 88 7.4 National Policy Statements 89 7.5 Regional Policy Statement 97 7.6 Regional and District Plans 108 7.7 Other Matters 131 7.8 Part 2 of the Resource Management Act 1991 132 7.9 Section 105 of the Resource Management Act 1991 132 7.10 Section 107 of the Resource Management Act 1991 135 8. Conclusion __________________________________________________________136 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Location of Area 7 in the context of the Waihi North Project 2 Figure 2: Overview of TSF3. 3 Figure 3: Overview of Area 7. 5 Figure 4: Environmental setting of Area 7. 7 Figure 5: Existing authorised mining activities within Area 7. 9 Figure 6: Areas of land covered by expired ML 32 2388 and Rule (blue) and expired LUC 97/98-105 and Rule (yellow). 11 Figure 7: Area of TSF1A covered by LUSE 202.2021.00001466.01 which authorises the establishment and operation of TSF1A up to a height of 182 m RL (area within the pink dashed line). 12 Figure 8: District Plan zoning of Area 7. 16 Figure 9: Allotments that comprise Area 7, and closest privately owned dwellings. 18