B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 118 transportation, storage and use of hazardous substances are appropriately managed, and where necessary, minimised. 7.7 OTHER MATTERS The Whaia te Mahere Taiao a Hauraki (“Hauraki Iwi Environmental Plan”) is relevant, and notes the following in relation to mining activities: The extraction of gold, silver and other mineral resources has left long-standing environmental problems in the Hauraki rohe. The disposal of wastewater, chemicals and spoil from the mining process, although much improved, remains an environmental concern to Hauraki iwi; The loss of waahi tapu, including Pukewa; Hauraki iwi seek reduced environmental risk from mining in the Hauraki rohe; and Hauraki iwi seek to enhance their capacity by monitoring mine sites. As already noted, the relationship of iwi with the Wharekirauponga area remains a matter under discussion. OGNZL continues to work with tangata whenua regarding activities occurring within Area 6 and the wider WNP. Through this consultation process, OGNZL seen to ensure the activities associated with the WNP align with the objectives set out in the Hauraki Iwi Environment Plan. 7.8 PART 2 OF THE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ACT 1991 It is understood that a consent authority is not required to consider Part 2 of the RMA beyond its expression in the relevant statutory planning documents. In effect, in most circumstances, there is no requirement to refer back to Part 2 of the RMA in determining a resource consent application unless there is invalidity, incomplete coverage or uncertainty of meaning within the statutory planning documents. However, for completeness and in accordance with Schedule 4(2)(1)(f) of the RMA, Part 2 of the RMA is considered in Section 9 of the Overarching AEE. 7.9 SECTION 105 OF THE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ACT 1991 Section 105 of the RMA sets out additional matters which must be considered by a consent authority when considering an application for a discharge permit. Section 105(1) states: “If an application is for a discharge permit or coastal permit to do something that would contravene section 15 or section 15B, the consent authority must, in addition to the matters in section 104(1), have regard to— (a) the nature of the discharge and the sensitivity of the receiving environment to adverse effects; and (b) the applicant's reasons for the proposed choice; and (c) any possible alternative methods of discharge, including discharge into any other receiving environment.