Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 113 avoided, remedied or mitigated).194 Key policies also seek to promote best practicable option to prevent or minimise the contaminants to air in certain circumstances.195 The analysis in Section of this AEE is equally applicable to the air quality provisions of the WRP. Dust and air discharges from Area 6 will be managed so as not to result in objectionable effects beyond the site boundary and will not exceed the relevant standards and guidelines.196 Management measures are proposed by OGNZL to ensure this is the case, including implementation of an Air Quality Management Plan. In light of the above, it is considered that the activities within Area 6 can be undertaken in such a manner that it meets the management outcomes sought by Objectives 1, 2 and 3 of Section 6.1.2 of the WRP. Overall Conclusion Based on the analysis in the sub-sections above, it is considered that the various ‘regional’ activities associated with Area 6 will be managed such that the project is generally consistent to the relevant objectives and policies of the WRP. 7.6.2 Hauraki District Plan Sections 5, 6 and 7 of the HDP contain objectives and policies. The objectives and policies most relevant to the NRS sub-unit are contained in: Section 5 – which contains objectives and policies for the land use in which the NRS will be undertaken; Section 6 – which contains objectives and policies relating to the management of indigenous biodiversity and landscapes; and Section 7 – which contains objectives and policies for activities in riparian margins and esplanade reserves, the management and use of hazardous substances and contaminated land and earthworks. Each is addressed below. The effects of the wider WNP on the transportation network are addressed at a project wide scale within the Overarching AEE. 194 Policy 5, Section 6.1.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 195 Policy 4, Section 6.1.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 196 Objectives 2 and 3, Section 6.1.2, Waikato Regional Plan.