B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 111 adverse effects are anticipated to arise that are inconsistent with the Air Quality objectives in Section 6.1.2;181 Discharges to land are necessary to manage potential effects of undertaking activities in high risk erosion areas. Specifically, the discharge of water to land within the sediment retention ponds will ensure that the effects of sedimentation within waterbodies is appropriately managed;182 On closure, the NRS will be capped and sealed. As set out in WWLA (2022), it is expected that the level of residual of contamination can be managed such that the rehabilitated site is appropriate for subsequent uses that will not pose a risk to human health;183 and OGNZL continues to work with tangata whenua regarding cultural effects and how the project can best accommodate and provide for their relationship with identified taonga. This is considered further in Section 5 of the Overarching AEE.184 With the above methods in place, it is considered that the outcomes sought by Objective 5.2.2 (and its associated policies) will be achieved. Contaminated Land Objective 5.3.2 and its associated policies185 manage the discharges of contaminants from contaminated land so they: do not present significant risk to human health, flora or fauna due to the contamination of soil and ground or surface water;186 do not have adverse effects on water quality or aquatic ecosystems that are inconsistent with the water management objectives in Section 3.1.2;187 do not generate adverse effects on air quality that are inconsistent with air quality objectives in Section 6.1.2;188 and avoid significant adverse effects and remedy or mitigate adverse effects on the relationship that tangata whenua as Kaitiaki have with their identified taonga;189 181 Objective 3.5.2(b), Section 3.5, Waikato Regional Plan. 182 Objective 5.2.2(d) and Policy 2(b), Section 3.5, Waikato Regional Plan. 183 Objective 5.2.2(a) and Policy 2(a), Section 3.5, Waikato Regional Plan. 184 Objective 5.2.2(e) to (f) and Policy 2(e), Section 3.5, Waikato Regional Plan. 185 Policies 1 – 4, Section 5.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 186 Objective 5.3.2(a), Section 5.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 187 Objective 5.3.2(b), Section 5.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 188 Objective 5.3.2(c), Section 5.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 189 Objective 5.3.2(d) and (e), Section 5.3, Waikato Regional Plan.