Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 109 soil productivity, versatility and capability is maintained;167 there are no adverse effects on water quality, aquatic ecosystems and wetlands that are inconsistent with Water Management Objective 3.1.2;168 there is no increase in the adverse effects of flooding or land instability hazards;169 accelerated infilling rivers and wetlands is avoided and the rate of infilling of artificial watercourses, excluding structures designed to trap sediment, is minimised;170 significant effects on the relationship tangata whenua as kaitiaki have with their identified ancestral taonga are avoided, while cumulative adverse effects are remedied or mitigated;171 significant adverse effects on natural character and ecological values associated with land and the coastal environment including dune systems is avoided;172 there are no adverse effects on air quality that are inconsistent with Air Quality Objective 6.1.2, Objectives 2 and 3;173 and damage to property and infrastructure is avoided.174 Policy 1 of this section seeks to manage activities that cause or have the potential to cause accelerated erosion through establishing permitted activity and non-regulatory methods. Vegetation clearance and soil disturbance may occur on land with a slope in excess of a 25-degree gradient and within 5 meters of a water body. Accordingly, the accelerated erosion provisions are relevant. As discussed in Sections 5.6.1 and 6 of this AEE, all works will be undertaken in accordance with detailed sediment and erosion control plans. These plans have been designed to ensure the effects on water quality, aquatic ecosystems and air quality are appropriately managed in line with best practice and the recommendations of technical experts in water quality, freshwater ecology and air quality. With implementation of the sediment and erosion control plans, the outcomes sought by this objective will be achieved. 167 Objective 5.1.2(a), Section 5, Waikato Regional Plan. 168 Objective 5.1.2(b), Section 5, Waikato Regional Plan. 169 Objective 5.1.2(c), Section 5, Waikato Regional Plan. 170 Objective 5.1.2(d), Section 5, Waikato Regional Plan. 171 Objective 5.1.2(e), Section 5, Waikato Regional Plan. 172 Objective 5.1.2(f) and (g), Section 5, Waikato Regional Plan. 173 Objective 5.1.2(h), Section 5.1, Waikato Regional Plan. 174 Objective 5.1.2(I), Section 5.1, Waikato Regional Plan.