Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 105 does not generate adverse effects that are inconsistent with the river and lake bed structure objectives in Section 4.2.2 or associated policies relating to structures in the beds of rivers contained in Section 4.2.3;135 does not obstruct fish passage where it would otherwise occur in the absence of unnatural barriers;136 results in no increase in the adverse effects of flooding or land instability hazards;137 results in no loss of existing aquatic habitats as a consequence of channelisation of rivers;138 and takes account of the consequent loss of water quality and any associated reduction in contaminant assimilative capacity, minimum flows and allocable flows for out of stream uses.139 Sections and of this AEE consider the effects of damming and diversion activities on the water management objectives and river bed structures within Area 6.140 Section 7.4 address the effects of fish passage with respect to the NPSFM and WRP respectively.141 In both instances, there are no adverse effects arising that are inconsistent with these policies. As discussed in Section, the diversion structures associated with TB1 have been designed to accommodate at least a 100-year ARI. The channel linings have also been designed to account for changes in the channel steepness and flow to ensure that erosion and instability effects are appropriately mitigated. The sediment retention and collection ponds have been similarly designed, albeit the latter are designed to accommodate a 1 in 10-year ARI (72-hour storm) event.142 Section of this AEE considers the effects of the diversion on aquatic ecosystems. As set out in this section, the mitigation associated with the diversion will ensure the aquatic habitat of TB1 is enhanced, with no net loss of habitat arising143, nor adverse effects on the assimilative capacity of the receiving freshwater environments.144 135 Objective 3.6.2(b) and Policy 1(b), Section 3.6, Waikato Regional Plan. 136 Objective 3.6.2(c), Section 3.6, Waikato Regional Plan. 137 Objective 3.6.2(d), Section 3.6, Waikato Regional Plan. 138 Objective 3.6.2(e), Section 3.6, Waikato Regional Plan. 139 Objective 3.6.2(g), Section 3.6, Waikato Regional Plan. 140 Objective 3.6.2 (a) and (b), Section 3.6, Waikato Regional Plan. 141 Objective 3.6.2 (a) and (b), Section 3.6, Waikato Regional Plan. 142 Objective 3.6.2 (d), Section 3.6, Waikato Regional Plan. 143 Objective 3.6.2 (e), Section 3.6, Waikato Regional Plan. 144 Objective 3.6.2 (g), Section 3.6, Waikato Regional Plan.