B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 102 the need to ensure that groundwater is available for existing and foreseeable domestic or municipal supply needs;111 consideration of alternative water sources;112 whether existing lawful takes of water will be adversely affected;113 whether tangata whenua uses and values, including the mauri of water, are maintained or enhanced;114 the need to ensure that aquifers are not over-allocated;115 any demonstrated return flow to the aquifer;116 whether surface water instream uses, values and flows (including springs) are adversely affected;117 where sustainable yields have not been set in Tables 3-6 potential for loss of recharge to other aquifers;118 where sustainable yields have not been set in Tables 3-6 potential adverse effects from aquifer compaction and ground surface subsidence;119 potential for contamination of ground or surface water;120 potential for interference effects on neighbouring bores;121 possible monitoring methods;122 demonstration that physical access to the water does not adversely affect any other land and/or property owner;123 and the nature of hydraulic connection (if any) between the groundwater resource from which water is proposed to be taken and surface waterbodies.124 Localised dewatering is required in association with the construction of the uphill clean water diversion. The matters set out above have been broadly considered in Section 5.5 of 111 Policy 12(d), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 112 Policy 12(e), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 113 Policy 12(f), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 114 Policy 12(j), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 115 Policy 12(k), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 116 Policy 12(l), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 117 Policy 12(m), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 118 Policy 12(o), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 119 Policy 12(p), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 120 Policy 12(q), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 121 Policy 12(r), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 122 Policy 12(u), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 123 Policy 12(v), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan. 124 Policy 12(w), Section 3.3, Waikato Regional Plan.