B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 64 It does not address effects on cultural values. They are addressed in Chapter 5 of the Overarching AEE. Nor does it address economic effects and social effects. These are common to the whole project and addressed in Chapter 6 of the Overarching AEE. 5.2 EFFECTS ON TERRESTRIAL ECOLOGY A detailed assessment of the potential effects of the WNP on terrestrial ecological values of the CFP from works associated with the WUG is provided in Boffa Miskell (2022b), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. A summary of the key conclusions is provided below. For more details on any matter the Boffa Miskell report should be consulted. 5.2.1 The Potential Adverse Effects of the Waihi North Project The CFP is a large conservation park administered by the DOC. The CFP comprises approximately 71, 900 ha of continuous native forest. Surface works within the CFP are limited to up to four ventilation shafts, requiring a maximum clearance area of 12 x 12m each (i.e. 0.0576 ha in total). The primary effect of the Project within the CFP is the temporary loss of habitat and associated change in vegetation community when the site is restored (at the close of mining). A detailed set of requirements will govern the site selection and vegetation clearance process for these ventilation shafts. They are based on the requirements DOC has imposed on the clearance of OGNZL’s existing exploration drilling sites in the CFP which have proven protective of ecological values. The requirements are included in the proposed conditions included in Part E. Site selection for ventilation raises will account for the presence of native fauna with the objective of minimising ecological impacts, by selecting sites that are not occupied by notable fauna species (native frogs, native lizards, and nesting native birds and significant native invertebrates (i.e. stag beetles, paua slug and peripatus), and do not include trees with a diameter at breast height of ( DBH )> 50 cm. The temporary loss of habitat at these ventilation shaft sites will also be offset by enhancement planting of a total of 4.15 ha on the north east ridge of Area 2 to connect the CFP with a forest fragment on that site. Further replanting of approximately 55,000 m2 on the boundary of CFP and Willows SFA is also proposed as part of the additional ecological benefit. Activities around ventilation raise sites occupy a small area within the context of the CFP and Boffa Miskell consider that these effects can be minimised to a low or very low level of effect using a combination of engineering and design solutions (i.e. construction of the