B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 93 outstanding natural features / landscapes or amenity landscapes within the project area as part of their landscape and visual assessment;54 The NRS will be established in the context of existing mining activities and human made elements and influences which remain a dominant feature in the surrounding rural context;55 Substantial restoration planting will be undertaken around the diverted tributary that forms a perimeter along the eastern margins of the NRS. Additional plantings and habitat opportunities will also be established along the margins of the Ohinemuri River and SNA 166;56 The site has been configured to ensure no significant adverse effects on natural character;57 The functional necessity of the NRS being located within TB1 is described with respect to Policy 7 of the NPSFM, Policy 8.3(d)(i) of the RPS, and Policy 3.A.3 of the WRP;58 The NRS will occupy an area already used for mining activities, limiting the potential for significant visual effects;59 and Plantings will be established on the periphery of Golden Valley Road and exposed works (such as the stockpiles) will be grassed as soon as practicable after construction.60 In this context, the activities within Area 6 are not considered inappropriate within the surrounding modified environment and have been configured to ensure no significant adverse effects on landscape values, natural character and amenity. Public Access Objective 3.23 and its associated policies61 of the RPS seek that public access to, and along, lakes and rivers is maintained and enhanced. Objective 3.16(a) seeks the same outcome in respect of riparian areas and wetlands. Activities within Area 6 will not result in any new impediments to public access along the Ohinemuri River. Access along TB1 will not be restricted during construction of the diversion channel, however temporary site access restrictions may be required at the 54 Policy 12.2(a), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 55 Policy 12.2(c), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 56 Policy 12.2(d), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 57 Policy 12.2(a), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 58 Policy 12.2(e), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 59 Policy 12.3, Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 60 Policy 12.3, Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 61 Policy 12.4 and 12.5, Waikato Regional Policy Statement.