B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 91 a new wetland will be established as part of the closure plan for the site, and will exceed the extent and enhance the values of wetland habitats within Area 6;42 While the project will result in the diversion of TB1, the riparian margins of the diversion channel will be planted for a width of at least 10 m either side of the diversion channel to enhance the quality and extent of the margins and encourage greater indigenous biodiversity to the area;43 The diversion channels have been designed to accommodate at least a 100-year ARI. Three indicative cross-section designs have been developed for the diversion channels with a rock or grass lining and associated planting proposed commensurate with the steepness and flow of the channel, as detailed in the Boffa Miskell (2022a) report;44 and The diversion channel will capture surface water runoff from the catchment surrounding the NRS and divert this clean water directly to the Ohinemuri River. “Dirty” water captured within the collection ponds will be diverted to the WTP for treatment before discharging to the Ohinemuri River.45 The activities being undertaken within the margins of the water bodies present within Area 6 are therefore consistent with the outcomes sought by Objective 3.16 and will ensure that the values, quality and extent of the riparian and wetland habitats are maintained or enhanced. Indigenous biodiversity and ecosystem services; Objective 3.19 seeks that the full range of ecosystem types, their extent and the indigenous biodiversity that those ecosystems can support exists in a healthy and functional state. Policy 11.1 contains the key directives with respect to the management of indigenous biodiversity. It seeks to promote positive indigenous biodiversity outcomes to maintain the full range of ecosystem types and maintain or enhance their spatial extent as necessary to achieve healthy ecological functioning of ecosystems. Of particular relevance to these provisions are the following matters: As discussed in Section 5.8, the removal of an area of native restoration planting will generate less than minor adverse effects on indigenous biodiversity as the area is of 42 Objective 3.16(b)(vi), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 43 Objective 3.16(b)(v) and (ii), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 44 Objective 3.16(b)(iii), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 45 Objective 3.16(b)(i), Waikato Regional Policy Statement.