B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 90 The increasing demand and competition for water is managed via Policy 8.6 through the setting of allocation limits and other regional plan mechanisms which achieve the freshwater objectives identified in the RPS. While this policy is most relevant to regional plan promulgation, it is noted that: the effects of surface water quality resulting from groundwater discharges is considered to be negligible and will not exceed the RWQC;36 the diversion of groundwater will not adversely affect any existing or reasonably foreseeable domestic or municipal water supplies or existing water takes;37 Sections 5 and 6 of this AEE outline that the life-supporting capacity of freshwater will not be compromised by reduced flows or by reduced water quality arising from discharges;38 and any intercepted contaminated groundwater will be diverted to the WTP for treatment prior to discharge into the Ohinemuri River. Accordingly, it will not affect any Regional Council work programme for addressing over allocation of surface water in this catchment.39 The diversion of groundwater associated with Area 6 will therefore not create an impediment for the WRC achieving Objective 3.15 or associated Policy 8.6 from a water allocation perspective. Riparian Areas and Esplanades Objective 3.16 of the RPS (and its associated policies) seeks that riparian areas and wetlands be managed to maintain or enhance a range of values including water quality, indigenous biodiversity, cultural values and the quality and extent of riparian and wetland habitat.40 Risks from natural hazards are also required to be effectively managed. Key points of relevance with respect to this objective are: For the reasons set out in Section below, the amenity values of riparian areas will be maintained or enhanced;41 A constructed wetland is located within the footprint of the NRS. This wetland has been established and planted by OGNZL and does not comprise a natural wetland under the NPSFM. While the NRS will result in the removal of this constructed wetland, 36 Policy 8.6(b), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 37 Policy 8.6(c), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 38 Policy 8.6(b), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 39 Objective 3.15(a) and (c), Waikato Regional Policy Statement. 40 Objective 3.16 also seeks that they be managed to maintain or enhance public access and amenity values. 41 Objective 3.16(a)(ii), Waikato Regional Policy Statement.