Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 63 5. ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS 5.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter of this sub-AEE contains an assessment of the actual and potential effects of allowing the proposed activities within the CFP. The proposed activities include the establishment, operation and closure of the Dual Tunnel and WUG, and the implementation of the Waihi North Biodiversity Project. The nature of the activity means most of the mine related activities are subsurface, with the surface manifestations within the CFP being limited to: Those associated with the establishment and operation of up to four ventilation shafts; Episodic surface vibration due to blasting within the tunnel and the mine; and The positive effects which manifest as a result of the Waihi North Biodiversity Project. In that context this chapter addresses: Effects on terrestrial ecology; Dewatering effects and effects on surface water; Effects on aquatic ecology; Landscape, visual and natural character effects; Geotechnical matters; Geochemistry; Noise effects; Blasting and vibration effects; Effects on public access and recreation; Historic heritage effects; The storage and use of hazardous substances; Landscape, visual amenity and natural character effects; Effects on rural production; and Historic heritage effects. For each it describes the key conclusions of the various technical assessments OGNZL has commissioned to address these matters and the additional mitigation measures considered necessary to ensure the effects of the proposed activities are avoided, remedied, mitigated or offset.