Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 85 OGNZL continues to engage with tangata whenua regarding the activities occurring within Area 6 and the wider WNP. OGNZP are actively engaging with tangata whenua to ensure the proposed activities avoid the loss of values and effect on Māori freshwater values or manages them in accordance with the effects management hierarchy. Policies 9 and 10 Protection of habitats of indigenous freshwater species, trout and salmon is the focus of Policies 9 and 10, respectively. As set out with respect to Policy 7 above, the NRS will result in the loss of approximately 1,400 m of TB1 and associated tributaries. Other instream works, such as the installation of culverts, will also potentially affect the habitats of indigenous freshwater species. Boffa Miskell (2022a) reports that surveys of TB1 identified few fish, with shortfin eels recorded but no other native fish species or trout. The barriers posed to fish passage by the presence of an existing natural waterfall, and the gradient of TB1, is noted. Prior to works commencing within the TB1 Stream and associated tributaries, the diversion channel will be established. Native fish and koura relocation will occur in accordance with a Native Fish and Koura Relocation Plan that is to be established for the WNP, with species being relocated within the newly established watercourse. Fish passage will also be provided for in the design of the diversion channel as described by Boffa Miskell (2022a). The type of fish passage provided will follow NZTA guidance and NIWA’s 2018 New Zealand Fish Passage Guidelines. These measures will be secured by way of conditions imposed on the resource consents. Accordingly, the habitats of indigenous freshwater species will be protected throughout the construction and operational phase of the project consistent with Policy 9. TB1 was not identified as providing trout habitat. However, as the diversion channel will improve instream ecological values, thereby supporting the values of the Ohinemuri River downstream as a trout habitat, in accordance with NSPFM Policy 10. Policy 11 The efficient use of freshwater, the phasing out of existing over allocation and the avoidance of future over allocation is the focus of Policy 11 of the NPSFM. The Ohinemuri River is currently over allocated. While no surface water take is proposed, the diversion of groundwater that recharges the Ohinemuri River has the potential to contribute to further allocation issues within the catchment. As described in Section 3, groundwater and underdrain seepage will be intercepted and captured beneath the NRS. This water will then be diverted to the WTP for treatment prior to discharge into the Ohinemuri River. The diversion of groundwater in this manner will