B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 80 7.3.2 National Environmental Standard for Air Quality The NES Air sets out ambient air quality standards for a number of contaminants for the protection of public health - including fine particulates (PM10), sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). It applies where people are likely to be exposed for periods commensurate with the relevant assessment averaging period. The NES Air also includes concentration limits and the specified number of occasions that those concentration limits may be exceeded within any year. The standards specified in the NES Air, along with the Regional Ambient Air Quality Guidelines, are considered in Section 5.10 of this AEE. This section concludes that the concentrations of PM10, NO2, CO and SO2 associated with any air discharges from the NRS, and the existing mining operations are expected to remain within the relevant standards. As such, the NES Air is not an impediment to the granting of the air discharge permits required for Area 6. 7.3.3 National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil The NES Soil seeks to ensure that land affected by contaminants in soil is appropriately identified and assessed before it is developed. If necessary, affected land will need to be remediated or the contaminants contained to make it safe for human use. A number of historic and existing activities undertaken within Area 6 meet the definition of a HAIL activity. Accordingly, the NES Soil is relevant with respect to soil disturbance activities occurring in and around these areas of known contamination. Once established and operating, Area 6 will also be considered a HAIL by virtue of its use for mining purposes (HAIL Activity E7: Mining industries). The NES Soil is therefore relevant with respect to the implementation of the closure plan and the associated change of use. The requirements of the NES Soil and the effects associated with contaminated land are discussed in Section 4 and Section 6 of this AEE and in further detail in WWLA (2022). 7.4 NATIONAL POLICY STATEMENTS 7.4.1 National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management Central to the NPSFM is the concept of Te Mana o Te Wai. Te Mana o Te Wai encompasses six principles relating to the roles of tangata whenua and other New Zealanders. These are discussed in detail in Section 9 of the Overarching AEE. Aligned to these principles is a hierarchy of obligations that prioritises: first, the health and wellbeing of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems; second, the health needs of people (such as drinking water); and