Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 76 Actual or Potential Effect Recommended Mitigation / Management Recommended Monitoring / Future Action Additional Measures Proposed by OGNZL Preparation of a Vegetation Restoration Management Plan which outlines how the replacement planting will be implemented, monitored and maintained. detailed in the Vegetation Restoration Management Plan. Wetland and Freshwater Ecology Native Fish and Kōura loss during diversion of 1,391 m of TB1. Preparation and implementation of a Native Fish and Kōura Salvage and Relocation Plan. Baseline surveys for fish and koura in affected waterbodies. Recording the number, species and size of fish and koura relocated. None. Diversion of 1,391 m of TB1 and reduced aquatic connectivity. Offset residual adverse effects on freshwater ecology to result in no net loss of ecological function by undertaking extensive riparian restoration planting and developing a new ecological functioning stream channel to replace TB1. Preparation and implementation of an Instream Work Aquatic Ecology Management Plan which outlines how the above will be implemented, monitored and maintained to deliver the biodiversity offset proposed. As required in the Instream Work Aquatic Ecology Management Plan. As a minimum, this will include monitoring of offset measures to ensure it is delivering the ecological outcomes expected and to trigger any maintenance actions required. None. Sediment intrusions on TB1. See erosion and sediment control measures in Surface Water section above. See Surface Water section. None.