Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 72 Actual or Potential Effect Recommended Mitigation / Management Recommended Monitoring / Future Action Additional Measures Proposed by OGNZL water from rock material placed to the NRS. demonstrated to have been successful for managing and monitoring potential effects. The design will include a range of measures to encapsulate and / or neutralise PAF material, and to contain, collect and treat seepage and runoff from PAF rock. Peer review of the detailed design is required by an appropriately qualified independent party. A NRS Monitoring and Management Plan will be prepared and implemented to monitor and assess the effects of the NRS on the land, ground and groundwater resources and to trigger the implementation of contingency measures where necessary. It includes: A risk management plan, as defined in the Australian/ New Zealand Standards for Risk Management (AS/NZS 4360:1999); Details of the proposed structural integrity monitoring programme for the embankment of NRS; Details of groundwater monitoring to detect seepage escaping the underdrainage system; Trigger levels for pH, conductivity and water levels to provide an early warning indicator of potential changes of groundwater quality as a result of the activities associated with the NRS; A contingency plan in the event a trigger level is breached over two consecutive readings, and which is accordance with current practice at OGNZL’s existing Waihi TSFs. Monitoring will include: Groundwater monitoring, pre and post placement of PAF material, to detect seepage escaping the underdrainage system; and Drainage water quality and flow.