B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 71 Actual or Potential Effect Recommended Mitigation / Management Recommended Monitoring / Future Action Additional Measures Proposed by OGNZL This includes an adaptive management approach to monitoring and managing traffic distribution and performance at the intersection of Baxter Road and SH2 during periods of high traffic volume. Deterioration of the existing surface of Baxter Road. Reimburse HDC for cost of road maintenance on Baxter Road during construction period. Return Baxter Road to the agreed pavement condition agreed with HDC at the completion of construction works at Area 5, 6 and 7. Record the condition of the pavement and bridge on Baxter Road prior to the commencement of and following the completion of construction activities in either Areas 5, 6 or 7. None. Natural Hazard NRS Collection Pond failure. Design, construct, operate and maintain the NRS Collection Pond in general accordance with NZSOLD Dam Safety Guidelines. This will include peer review of the detailed design and construction, as required by an appropriately qualified independent party. Obtain building consent for the NRS Collection Pond classified as a large dam in the Building Act 2004. Monitoring in accordance with the requirements for a Low PIC dam (as per NZSOLD) are recommended for the NRS Collection Pond. None. Geochemistry and Geotechnical Effects on groundwater/surface water from runoff and drainage The NRS has been designed and will be constructed and operated in a manner consistent with that which currently occurs at OGNZL’s existing facilities, and which has been Monitoring details will be included in the NRS Monitoring and Management Plan in None.