B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 70 Actual or Potential Effect Recommended Mitigation / Management Recommended Monitoring / Future Action Additional Measures Proposed by OGNZL Nugget annual multisport events, but it is on private land so the effect is not considered adverse. Noise Excessive noise creating nuisance impacts. Compliance with NZS6803:1999 Acoustics – Construction Noise (NZS6803) for construction noise. Compliance with the following operational noise limits at neighbouring properties not owned by OGNZL: 0700 - 2200, Monday to Saturday: 50 dB LAeq All other times: 40 dB LAeq 2200 - 0700 (the following day): 70 dB LAFmax Preparation and implementation of a Noise Management Plan. Establishment of a complaints register. Noise monitoring at weekly intervals during construction, and quarterly during operation. Monitoring requirements are to be detailed in the Noise Management Plan. None. Transport Transport impacts during construction and operation. No road upgrades needed. Develop and implement a Construction Traffic Management Plan which describes how traffic to and from the Mine Site will be managed to protect public safety and minimise delays to road users. Monitoring of traffic distribution and performance at the intersection of Baxter Road and SH2 during periods of high traffic volume. None.