B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 67 6. MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING OF EFFECTS Section 5 of this AEE provides an assessment of the actual and potential effects of the activities in Area 6, which is based on the various technical assessments commissioned by OGNZL. It is noted that many of the technical assessments have recommended the implementation of various measures in order to assist in avoiding, remedying, mitigating or offsetting potential adverse effects from the activities on the environment. These recommendations have shaped the development of the suite of management and monitoring measures that are proposed as conditions on the resource consents that are being sought by OGNZL. A copy of the proffered consent conditions is provided in Part E of these application documents. The proffered conditions are largely based on existing measures used for the type of activities proposed at OGNZL’s existing activities. These measures have been very effective of managing the actual and potential effects of the activity. They are set out in Table 6 below and include: Limits on the generation of noise and light; Implementation of best practice erosion and sediment control measures during site establishment works; Diversion of clean water around the footprint of disturbed areas; Collection of runoff from within the footprint of the disturbed areas and piping it to the WTP for treatment before being discharged to the Ohinemuri River; Replacement planting for impacts on terrestrial vegetation; Offsetting all impacts on aquatic ecology; Preparation and adherence to a range of management plans for managing effects on bats, birds and lizards; Preparation and adherence to a number of environmental management plans which will further detail how potential effects associated with key activities will be managed and monitored. These environmental management plans allow mitigation and monitoring measures to be refined and updated over time as additional information on the receiving environment and the effectiveness of the mitigation measures is gathered via monitoring; andA rehabilitation and closure plan secured by rehabilitation and capitalisation bonds