B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 65 access, segregation of incompatible materials, provision of fire-fighting facilities and emergency management procedures, and separation from sensitive locations. In order to establish and operate the Class 1 explosives storage facility, OGNZL must notify WorkSafe and obtain certification from an accredited independent compliance certifier for both the facility itself and its Class 1 substance handlers. Overall, the effects on people and property from the establishment of the new Class 1 storage facility are less than minor. No additional controls are considered necessary as part of the resource consent. 5.15 EFFECTS ON PUBLIC ACCESS AND RECREATION An assessment of the potential effects of the Waihi North Project on recreational and tourism values is provided in Greenaway (2022), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. The NRS will affect a small section of the Full and Half Nugget annual multisport events. These opportunities rely on access to OGNZL land, and there are no agreements to secure tenure. Greenaway (2022) concludes that these recreational activities must be considered temporary based on their current access and lack of tenure. On this basis, this loss of opportunity is not considered to be adverse. There are no other recreational activities affected by the NRS, and landscape and noise assessments conclude that overall adverse effects on recreational amenity values in the area will be low. 5.16 CONCLUSION This section of this sub AEE contains an assessment of the actual and potential effects of allowing the proposed activities within Area 6. They include establishment, operation and closure of NRS and its associated collection ponds and stockpiles. With respect to the actual and potential environmental effects of these activities it is considered they can be undertaken in a manner that will appropriately avoid, remedy, mitigate or offset adverse effects. There will be some visual and noise effects associated with the project at various stages of its development. However, OGNZL is proposing that the activities be undertaken in accordance with consent conditions which will limit the potential for adverse effects on the environment and which, in many instances, align with those which have been applied successfully in this location in respect of the construction and operation of the neighbouring TSF2 and TSF1A. With respect to freshwater ecology, some effects on water bodies are unavoidable. While the effects on stream ecological values arising from the loss of this stream area is