B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 64 (2022) also recommends clearly marking the location of the shaft to be clearly marked so that any accidental damage during the construction is avoided. While it is unlikely that old mine workings will exist in this area, an accidental discovery protocol will be adhered to during the construction of the NRS and associated activities to prevent any accidental damage. 5.14 EFFECTS FROM THE STORAGE AND USE OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES An assessment of the potential effects resulting from the storage and use of hazardous substances associated with the new Class 1 explosives storage facility proposed south of the NRS, is provided in Tonkin and Taylor (2022), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. OGNZL proposes to install a new Class 1 explosives storage facility to service ongoing mining operations in Waihi, which will include the storage of mass explosion detonators and mass explosion blasting explosives, up to 6,412 kg, within approved magazines. The risk to people and property from a fire at the flammable or oxidising substance locations at the NRS has been assessed as low, as hydrocarbons and oxidising substances on-site are managed through controls (security monitoring, training and handler certifications, emergency response plans, mine rescue response team) and equipment design (e.g. separation distances to the site boundary, separation from ignition sources, certification of storage areas to comply with safety regulations, provision of firefighting infrastructure at tank compounds). The storage locations are isolated from public access and are within the site’s security boundary. The proposed transformers contain a low hazard mineral oil and are each bunded to contain the oil in the event of a leak. Any risk of a spill event will be managed through site design (secondary containment, automation including interlock systems, segregation of incompatible substances, certification of storage systems tanks) and operational procedures (e.g. emergency response plan including dedicated plans for high-risk substances, spill response plans, dedicated mine rescue response team, standard operating and delivery procedures for key hazardous substances). Taking into account these controls, the effects on people, property and the environment from the use and storage of hazardous substances have been assessed as less than minor. The neighbouring rural properties surrounding the NRS are considered sensitive to the effects of an unintended detonation at the proposed Class 1 explosives store. However, the potential effects are appropriately managed by the controls which apply to the activity under the HSW-HS regulations. These include securing the facility from unauthorised