Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 62 The Baxter Road / SH2 intersection has been modelled (using SIDRA intersection modelling package) to identify the expected performance during peak hours at various stages of the project. The traffic generation profile for the site as it applies to Baxter Road, peaks in the construction period in the years 2024-2025. In these years the departure of the workforce in the evening peak around 5pm results in delays and queues on Baxter Road depending on the exact departure profile of the workforce. While drivers typically tend to adjust their departure times according to traffic conditions, this is more difficult with set work times, and Stantec (2022) recommends that the end of the day shift time is spread over a minimum of an hour (i.e. have a minimum of three end of shift times at 20 min separation of equal numbers). Furthermore, it is the expectation that heavy vehicle movements associated with construction (including materials deliveries and logging trucks) will be managed outside of peak hours. Stantec (2022) advises that there is sufficient parking onsite to cater for all expected vehicles associated with the construction and operation of the NRS (and other activities). For all other modelled periods and years, the modelling of the intersection performance in comparison to the base for the project is considered to be within acceptable parameters. 5.11.2 Mitigation and Monitoring To account for other potential variations in either traffic profile on the state highway or the traffic patterns (workforce and heavy vehicle) arrival and departure profile, Stantec (2022) recommend that an adaptive approach is adopted to construction traffic management with the ability to make changes to reflect any issues that may arise related to transportation. For clarity this recommendation relates to the construction phase and not for other mine operations for the duration of the project. This is intended to be managed via the Construction Traffic Management Plan (“CTMP”). The CTMP will be required to be submitted to the HDC before physical works begin. The CTMP will provide stakeholders with a clear understanding of the confirmed construction programme, traffic volumes during each stage, the road improvements to be undertaken, and the management measures being implemented. 5.11.3 Conclusion Based on the recommended mitigation and management Stantec (2022) concludes that the effects on the transportation network arising from the WNP (as a whole) to be acceptable.