Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 59 For completeness, it is confirmed that: No Category A or B Heritage Features will be disturbed by the various activities occurring within Area 1. The proposed ventilation shaft locations are located outside the HDP’s scheduled Royal Standard Battery (Category B) 271 Heritage Area, and therefore this area will not be affected. No Significant Trees covered by the rules in section 6.4 of the HDP will be disturbed by the activities occurring within Area 1; The earthworks rules in section 7.8 of the HDP do not apply to the various activities occurring within Area 1, as all associated earthworks are deemed mining operations or underground mining as per the definitions in the HDP; and The HDP performance standards in section 8 of the HDP do not impact on the activity status of the land use consents sought as they only apply to permitted or controlled activities. 4.3 WAIKATO REGIONAL COUNCIL Resource consents required from Waikato Regional Council (“WRC”) are limited to those activities occurring within Area 1. No resource consents are required for the Waihi North Biodiversity Project activities. The resource consents required include: A s9, s14 and s15 resource consent to drill below the water table, divert and take groundwater intercepted by the underground mine, and to discharge contaminants to land and water to manage the ingress of intercepted groundwater using grout, shotcrete and other similar materials (a single s9, s14 and s15 resource consent is sought to cover these activities for all underground elements of the Waihi North Project (“WNP”)); A s9 resource consent to undertake soil disturbance in a high-risk erosion area where the ventilation shafts break the surface; A s15 resource consent to place overburden within stockpiles inside the WUG during operation, and as backfill during closure (a single s9, s14 and s15 resource consent is sought to cover these activities for all underground elements of the WNP); and A s15 resource consent to discharge contaminants to air from the 4 ventilation shafts (Note: a single discharge to air consent is sought to cover discharges to air from all WNP areas). The resource consents required are all discretionary activities.