Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 57 Activity Relevant rules and activity status Comment Stoping and mining of the orebody; Drilling, blasting, earthworks and the removal of rock material and ore; Sealing of tunnels and drill holes with grout or shotcrete; Backfilling of stopes; Underground rock storage and stockpile areas; The establishment of an underground magazine compound; The establishment of an underground workshop to service and maintain mine equipment; The establishment of communications and water management facilities and general amenities within the tunnels; Establishment of refuge chambers and tunnel recesses; Establishment of sumps, pumps and electrical equipment and ventilation infrastructure; The use of a range of mining equipment to service the mine; Establishment of up to four ventilation shafts and associated vent stacks, including temporary drilling pads, and onsite construction amenities; This includes the use of the decline to transport ore and rock.