Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 30 3.2.2 Relocation of Buildings An existing single storey dwelling at 699 Golden Valley Road (owned by OGNZL) will be removed to accommodate the northern topsoil stockpiles. The existing workshop structure, fuel bowser and grease storage facilities will also be relocated approximately 160 m to the southwest of their current location (see Figure 15 above). Any potentially hydrocarbon contaminated soils underlying and surrounding the structure may need to be removed and disposed of within the embankment of the NRS. Part of the proposed workshop area falls within the 100 year ARI flood zone for the Ohinemuri River and may require some filling and flood protection. 3.2.3 Relocation of Overhead Powerlines The existing overhead powerline that runs from the Processing Plant to the existing TSFs around the northern stockpile will be relocated along the existing conveyor alignment as part of the preparatory works for the NRS. This line is owned by OGNZL. Figure 16: Proposed Powerline Relocation