Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 56 Activity Relevant rules and activity status Comment undertaken by or on behalf of DOC. If they are they will be a permitted activity. Where they are undertaken by and on behalf of a third party, they will be a non-complying activity. Installation and use of monitoring equipment, including piezometers. Non-complying activity under rule Installation of piezometers is required within the Conservation (Indigenous Forest) Zone to monitor shallow groundwater pressures. The piezometers would not be classified as ‘exploration’ as they would not be for the purpose of identifying mineral deposits or occurrences. The piezometers are therefore an activity not provided for in the Conservation (Indigenous Forest) Zone and require resource consent as a non-complying activity. Within Area 1 Only Underground mining, mining operations and drilling within Area 1, including but not limited to: Establishment of an underground dual tunnel to the Wharekirauponga orebody; Exploration drilling from underground drilling platforms; Establishment of mine declines; Establishment of mine access tunnels; Discretionary activity under rule Non-complying activity under rule Within the Conservation (Indigenous Forest) Zone, underground mining is a discretionary activity, while mining operations is a non-complying activity. The definition of underground mining includes surface disturbance associated with underground mining – which is considered to include the ventilation shafts. All other activities listed are incidental to the activities occurring within Area 1 and fall under the definition of mining operations or exploration drilling.