Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 25 2.16 WATER RESOURCE USERS A detailed description of the surface and groundwater users in proximity to Area 6 is provided in GHD (2022), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. By way of summary: There are no registered bores located within approximately 800 m of the proposed NRS, including the area between the proposed NRS site and the Ohinemuri River; and The closest downstream surface water take is from the Ohinemuri River approximately 10 km downstream. 2.17 RECREATION VALUES The recreation value attributed to Area 6 are described in Greenaway (2022), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. The Strava heatmaps show an access route meandering north-east across farm land and through Area 6. This is the route of the Full, and Half, “Nugget” annual multisport events which operate between Waihi Beach and Waihi. Access through Area 6 is provided by OGNZL exclusively for this event. TB1 has no recreational value. However, the Ohinemuri River, into which TB1 flows is one of the most popular angling rivers in the Waikato Region. It has excellent access and populations of rainbow and brown trout, albeit bi-annual surveys by OGNZL have only occasionally recorded trout in the reaches near the WNP sites. 2.18 METEOROLOGY AND AIR QUALITY A description of the air quality, meteorology and climate of the area is provided in Beca (2022), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. Meteorological data recorded at OGNZL’s Barry Road climate station between 2013 and 2019 reveals that the prevailing, strongest winds are from the west and west-southwest. Secondary winds are from the northeast. The average wind speed recorded since 2013 is 3.43 m/s. Calms occur for 10.82% of the time. Wind speeds > 5 m/s - which lifts dust from unconsolidated surfaces – occurred approximately 26% of the time. Wind speeds are highest in spring and lowest in autumn. NIWA data indicates that Waihi’s long-term average annual rainfall is approximately 2,110 mm. The lowest annual rainfall recorded was 1,265 mm, in 1919. The highest annual rainfall was 3,235 mm, recorded in 1928.