Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 19 The 11.5 ha northern unit of SNA166 adjoins the eastern side of the NRS. Vegetation in this area consists of exotic scrub, pines with subsidiary rewarewa forest, and rewarewa forest with subsidiary pines. Scattered kauri, rata and pohutukawa trees were also recorded. The north-eastern part of the southern 57 ha SNA166 unit is near the proposed explosives magazine site. This part of SNA166 is characterised by pine forest with some rewarewa present. No native fauna of significance was recorded in this part of the southern SNA166 unit. The northern unit of SNA166 was surveyed for native fauna (bats, birds, lizards and frogs). Moko skinks, which have a conservation status of ‘Nationally At-Risk-relict’, were found in (and south) of this area. The NRS footprint avoids those moko skink sites. Figure 9: Ecological values of areas adjacent to Area 6. 2.12 GEOLOGY The geology underlying Area 6 is described in Section 4 of EGL (2022d) and Section 4.2 of GHD (2022b), copies of which are provided in Part H of these application documents.