B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 15 2.7 LANDSCAPE CONTEXT The landscape values attributed to Area 6 are described in Boffa Miskell (2022), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. Boffa Miskell (2022) describes the NRS as a modified area of working rural landscape that is underlain by an undulating, modified alluvial terrace. The modified working landscape character is further shaped by the strongly industrial influence of the Waihi Processing Plant (“Processing Plant”) and Water Treatment Plant (“WTP”) and the link from that site to the NRS via the ore conveyor and bridge over the Ohinemuri River. The landscape context also consists of native riparian plantings that have been voluntarily established along the Ohinemuri River and TB1, as well as exotic shelter belts, scattered bands of native shrubs, pasture, and (to the east and south-east), vegetation in SNA166. The NRS and surroundings are described as having a high level of visual containment, afforded by the existing TSFs and hills (Black Hill, Union Hill, Winner Hill, SNA166) that enclose the site. These landforms limit views to the NRS, albeit Boffa Miskell (2022) note that some public and private views may occur from dwellings within adjoining rural areas within Golden Valley and along the north-eastern edge of Waihi, further identified as: Transient views from vehicles travelling along Golden Valley Road past the NRS; Oblique views to topsoil stockpiles near the NRS boundary with Golden Valley Road, from a relatively new dwelling situated to the north-east of the NRS; Potentially, long-distance views from dwellings and road users around the north-east of Waihi and Golden Valley; and North-north-west views from Ngāti Koi Reserve and Black Hill to the NRS in the context of the established mining operations. 2.8 ROAD TRANSPORT NETWORK The transport environment in which Area 6 sits is described in Stantec (2022), a copy of which is provided in Part H of these application documents. Area 6 is accessed from State Highway 2 (“SH2”) via Baxter Road and internal haul roads. Baxter Road is gated to prevent unauthorised access to OGNZL’s land. Baxter Road is a no-exit road, with a 7 m-wide sealed carriageway, classed as a ‘Local Road’ in the HDP. It is primarily used to access OGNZL’s underground mines and the Waihi SFA. The Baxter Road - SH2 junction is a recently upgraded T-intersection 1.2 km south of Waihi. Available sight distance exceeds 250 m in both directions, consistent with Austroads requirements for a 100 km/h speed environment.