Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 12 2.5 ZONING As shown in Figure 5, Area 6 is in the Martha Mineral Zone under the HDP. Land in the Rural Zone adjoins to the north and east. The Waihi SFA, on the western side of the Ohinemuri River, is also in the Martha Mineral Zone and the Reserve (Passive) Zone applies to Ngāti Koi Reserve located to the south-west. 2.6 LAND OWNERSHIP AND DWELLINGS Area 6 is owned by OGNZL and comprises five allotments. These allotments, along with the closest dwellings not owned by OGNZL, are shown in Figure 6. The nearest private dwelling (at 654 Golden Valley Road) is located approximately 230 m northeast of the site, as shown on Figure 6 as reference no. 84. The next nearest private dwelling is at no. 639 Golden Valley Road and shown on Figure 6 as reference no. 83. The next closest private dwellings are south of the site, being 57 Fisher Road at 400 m away, and 56 Fisher Road at 480 m away. A dwelling could be built on a permitted basis in the future on Lot 2 DP 491737, north-east of the NRS. This is one of three Records of Title that comprise no. 591 Trig Road.