B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 11 Resource Consent Expiry Date Silt and Collection Pond discharges AUTH 971311 To discharge settled stormwater from the silt ponds into the Ohinemuri River and the Ruahorehore Stream 13/10/2034 AUTH 971312 To discharge water from the collection ponds within Area D, to the Ohinemuri River and to the Ruahorehore Stream 13/10/2034 Stockpiles AUTH 971295 To place ore, waste rock, topsoil and other material in stockpiles 13/10/2034 TSF2 W1749 To dam unnamed water courses within the designated area for storage 2 in order to construct an impoundment structure for the containment of tailings from mining operations 1/10/2026 W1761 To discharge natural water containing waste onto the land and into the ground beneath storage 2 and the holding pond 1/10/2026 W1751 To dam unnamed water courses in order to construct a perimeter bund and access road around the north, west and south edges of the designated areas for Storages 1 and 2 for waste and tailings disposal in a line described as approximately NZMS260-T13-648193 north to 645196 south to 644184 south east to 652175 and north east to 657181, near Black Hill Reserve. 1/10/2026 Discharge from Rehabilitated TSF AUTH 971323 To discharge water from the tailing ponds following rehabilitation into an unnamed tributary (Unnamed Stream 2) of the Ohinemuri River 13/10/2034