B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 10 Table 1: Existing WRC consents which authorise activities in Area 6. Resource Consent Expiry Date Discharge to Air AUTH 124859.01.04 [Project Martha consent] Discharge contaminants into the air relating to all activities within the Golden Link Project Area. This includes dust and carbon dioxide arising from mining operations, emissions from the Process Plant including waste heat and water vapour, vehicle fumes, and other minor and/or fugitive emissions associated with mining operations; and within Area D only, smoke from burning of tramp material (including vegetation and surplus packaging) 16 July 2037 Diversion Drains AUTH 971296 To divert natural water (farm run-off and intercepted groundwater) around Oxidised Stockpile N2 13/10/2034 AUTH 971297 To discharge natural water (farm run-off and intercepted groundwater) diverted around Oxidised Stockpile N2 at the northern end of Storage 2 into an unnamed tributary (Unnamed Stream1) of the Ohinemuri River 13/10/2034 AUTH 971298 To divert an unnamed tributary (Unnamed Stream 2) of the Ohinemuri River at the northern end of Storage 2 13/10/2034 AUTH 971299 To divert part of an unnamed tributary (Unnamed Stream 1) of the Ohinemuri River by way of culverting at the northern end of Storage 2 13/10/2034 AUTH 971309 To divert natural water (farm run-off and intercepted groundwater) around Storage 2 (and part of Storage 1A) via the northern diversion drain 13/10/2034 AUTH 971310 To discharge diverted natural water (farm run-off and intercepted groundwater) around Storage 2 (and Part of Storage 1A) via the northern diversion drain into an unnamed tributary (Unnamed Stream 2) of the Ohinemuri River 13/10/2034