Site-specific Assessments of Environmental Effects

B-1 - Area 1, Coromandel Forest Park – Assessment of Environmental Effects 54 4. RESOURCE CONSENTS REQUIRED This chapter describes the resource consents required for the proposed activities within the CFP. This includes all resource consents required for: The Waihi North Biodiversity Project; and The construction, operation, maintenance and rehabilitation activities associated with the WUG within Area 1. 4.1 THAMES COROMANDEL DISTRICT COUNCIL The currently defined Waihi North Biodiversity Project Area extends into parts of the CFP located within Thames Coromandel District. In the event the predator control activities in this area are ultimately undertaken by DOC (this is yet to be agreed) they would not be bound by the Thames Coromandel District Plan (TC District Plan).8 The rules in the TC District Plan would apply if the predator control activities were ultimately undertaken by a third party. However, if this were to eventuate no activities are expected to occur which would trigger a resource consent requirement. Key points to note in that regard are: ‘Pest control’ is not a land use activity in its own right which TCDC controls via the activity-based rules in the TC District Plan;9 Any vegetation clearance required would be minimal in nature and would comply with the conditions of permitted activity Rule 29.3(2)(f); and The establishment and operation of traplines is not expected to require any earthworks. In the unlikely event the pest control work is not undertaken by DOC, and minor localised earthworks are required for establishing traplines, a land use consent would be required by Rule 43.4(6)(2A) if they occur within the kauri hygiene zone.10 In the event this is the case a discrete land use consent would be sought for the activity at that time. 8 Section 4(3) RMA. 9 This has been confirmed by advice from Thames Coromandel District Council staff who advise that a requirement to undertake pest control is often imposed in a decision or on a consent notice, but that the activity itself is not actively controlled by the District Plan. 10 Kauri hygiene zone is an area three times the maximum radius of the canopy dripline of New Zealand kauri trees in the area the subject of proposed earthworks.