B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 7 The proposed explosives magazine (within Lot 4 DPS 80251), at the south-east corner of the NRS is located: Immediately north-east of TSF2; 100 m east of the ore conveyor; 70 m south of the boundary of Lot 1 DPS 16309; and 315 m west of the boundary of 591 Trig Road, which is the nearest property not in OGNZL’s ownership. Part of the proposed explosives magazine site at Lot 4 DPS 80251 has previously been levelled, while the eastern part of the magazine site falls from south to north over three metres. It is partly covered with exotic vegetation and an overhead electricity transmission line (to be relocated) traverses the site from north to south. 2.4 EXISTING AND CONSENTED MINING ACTIVITIES As shown in Figure 4, existing mining activity within Area 6 consists of the Northern Stockpile, TSF2, workshops and ore conveyor. The use of land for various mining operations in and around the area occupied by TSF2 and the Northern Stockpile is currently authorised by: Rule of the Hauraki District Plan (“HDP”) where that activity is undertaken in accordance with the conditions of, and within the area covered by expired Mining Licence (“ML”) 32 2388 (ML 32 2388), including but not limited to: o The establishment and operation of TSF1A up to a height of 177.25 m RL1; o The use of the Northern, Central and Eastern Stockpiles; o The operation of the conveyor; o The establishment and use of various haul roads, perimeter roads, topsoil stockpiles, diversion drains and collection ponds; and o Rehabilitation; and LUSE202.2018.00000812.002 which authorises the establishment, operation and rehabilitation of TSF2 up to a height of 160.7 m RL. LUSE 202.2021.00001466.001 which authorises the establishment, operation and rehabilitation of TSF1A up to a height of 182 m RL. 1 Noting that resource consent has been granted for a height of 182 m RL at TSF1A.