B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects Figure 10: NRS geology - east-west cross-section. Rhyolite (orange), dacite (light purple), ignimbrite (grey), andesite (light pink) (GHD 2022b). 20 Figure 11: Hydrological setting of Area 6 (note TB1 flowing into Ohinemuri River to the north of the Frendrup Gauge). 21 Figure 12: Hydrology at Area 6. 22 Figure 13: Aquatic ecology of Area 6 (Boffa Miskell 2022a). 24 Figure 14: The NRS Location and Footprint (EGL (2022d)). 28 Figure 15: Location of Proposed Topsoil Stripping and Topsoil Stockpiles. 29 Figure 16: Proposed Powerline Relocation 30 Figure 17: Indicative NRS Closure Plan (EGL (2022d)). 36 Figure 18: Moresby Avenue and Baxter Road Facilities – Workforce Forecasts (including Project Martha), Stantec (2022). 61 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Existing WRC consents which authorise activities in Area 6. 10 Table 2: Hazardous substance volumes and classifications. 34 Table 3: Activity status of the land use consents required for the works associated with the NRS (Area 6). 38 Table 4: Activity status of the resource consents required to establish and operate the NRS (Area 6). 41 Table 5: Summary of ecological values effected by activities at Area 6. 54 Table 6: Summary of key management and monitoring measures for Area 6 (Northern Rock Stack) 68 Table 7: Consideration of Alternative Methods of Discharge 119