B-6 – Area 6 – Assessment of Environmental Effects 5.8 Effects on Terrestrial Ecology 55 5.9 Noise Effects 56 5.10 Air Quality Effects 58 5.11 Roading and Traffic Effects 60 5.12 Lighting Effects 63 5.13 Historic Heritage Effects 63 5.14 Effects from the Storage and Use of Hazardous Substances 64 5.15 Effects on Public Access and Recreation 65 5.16 Conclusion 65 6. Management and Monitoring of Effects____________________________________ 67 7. Statutory Assessments ________________________________________________ 78 7.1 Introduction 78 7.2 Actual and Potential Effects 78 7.3 National Environmental Standards 79 7.4 National Policy Statements 80 7.5 Regional Policy Statements 86 7.6 Regional and District Plans 96 7.7 Other Matters 118 7.8 Part 2 of the Resource Management Act 1991 118 7.9 Section 105 of the Resource Management Act 1991 118 7.10 Section 107 of the Resource Management Act 1991 121 8. Conclusion __________________________________________________________122 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Location of Area 6 in the context of the Waihi North Project 2 Figure 2: Overview of Area 6. 4 Figure 3: Environmental setting of Area 6. 6 Figure 4: Existing authorised mining activities within Area 6. 9 Figure 5: District Plan zoning of Area 6. 13 Figure 6: Allotments that comprise Area 6, and closest privately owned dwellings. 14 Figure 7: Layout of the road network around Waihi. 16 Figure 8: Heritage site T13/971 (Clough 2022). 18 Figure 9: Ecological values of areas adjacent to Area 6. 19